Saturday 4 December 2010

My Music Magazine: Finished name and design

The title for my magazine shall be "IMMORTALITY" and my final chosen font is "Pieces of eight" as it has been shown to be very exploitable, suits the intended style of my magazine and can be put onto many different backgrounds while still looking bold.

The following effects were added to each of the text in the picture:

1: Outer glow
2: Drop shadow
3: Inner glow
4: Pattern overlay
5: Stroke
6: Gradient overlay

My Music Magazine: Title font and design development

These are the ideas for the font and design of my magazine's title. The font used had to not be childish, and have a style which is appropriate in presenting the genre of music inside the magazine, meaning that the only appropriate font designs should not be imposing in a childish way.

The selected font should also be exploitable in terms of photoshop effects, so it can be modified accordingly in order to suit the front pages picture accordingly.

The first, third, fifth, seventh and eighth fonts are not suitable because, although bold and exploitable, they do not seem to represent the metal genre in any wa
y. The third and eight are fonts that give off an atmosphere of young and cheap design, and thus are especially unsuitable.

The second, forth and ninth fonts are somewhat appropriate because of their similarity to Gothic scripture writing, frequently seen when representing the genre, but could be misinterpreted as giving a refined or upper class feel to the magazine, and the fonts are not easily exploitable as effects tend to make then look worse. These are put into consideration however, because they could be modified in such a way as to produce a more suitable look for the magazine.

The sixth font is in a good style, is very easily exploited, and is bold in a less childish way to the others, the emphasis of certain letters also helps it to impose upon the audience. The ways in which it can be modified are plentiful due to its simple design, and many effects p
rove to be quite successful in changing the look and design of the font.

The sixth or second font are the most likely choices for my front title, depending on how they can look in terms of added effects and their visual effect in certain pictures of a specific colour scheme.

My Music Magazine: Title survey and evaluation

The title for my magazine is important to appeal to the target audience, by which i mean supporters of the experimental/metal genre, giving a list of titles featured in my previous post, i gave it to 30 different people, who i know are fans of the metal genre, and let them choose their favourite from them to nominate for the magazines title.

The results are as follows:

Immortal: 7
Immortality: 10
Eternity: 4
Sacrilege: 2
Incar-serration: 1
Puritania: 6

It is worth noting that 3 of the people said that "incar-serration" was a better name for a band or album, and 2 said that sacrilege would be an appropriate album name.

The Title for the magazine was chosen as "Immortality" from the survey. As the name is most liked, it shall be used for my magazine, as it has been proven to be supported by the target audience. The names of bands or artists within the magazine may also be some of the misused titles, as they were suggested by some of the people, and none of them received zero votes.

My Music Magazine: Title ideas, development and research.

The title for my music magazine will be used as a visual and text appeal to the target audience of my musical genre, chosen to be "metal" and other experimental genres associated with it. Using the research from the magazines i analyzed, and independent research into magazines focused around the genre, i formed a list of magazine titles which i thought could be both appealing and catchy, and acceptable for the genre.

My list of magazine title ideas were:


These titles appeal to the target audience because of their bold and somewhat specific reference to the culture seen in bands of my selected genre, they may also appeal due to their boldness and abillity to be exploited using fonts and colour.

The titles shall be tested and modified accordingly, and others may be added as time progresses.