Saturday 4 December 2010

My Music Magazine: Title survey and evaluation

The title for my magazine is important to appeal to the target audience, by which i mean supporters of the experimental/metal genre, giving a list of titles featured in my previous post, i gave it to 30 different people, who i know are fans of the metal genre, and let them choose their favourite from them to nominate for the magazines title.

The results are as follows:

Immortal: 7
Immortality: 10
Eternity: 4
Sacrilege: 2
Incar-serration: 1
Puritania: 6

It is worth noting that 3 of the people said that "incar-serration" was a better name for a band or album, and 2 said that sacrilege would be an appropriate album name.

The Title for the magazine was chosen as "Immortality" from the survey. As the name is most liked, it shall be used for my magazine, as it has been proven to be supported by the target audience. The names of bands or artists within the magazine may also be some of the misused titles, as they were suggested by some of the people, and none of them received zero votes.

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