Tuesday 23 November 2010

Metal hammer Magazine analysis: content

1: There are 130 pages in the magazine.

2: 20 pages are adverts (it Is worth considering most of them are band related merchandise)

3: The types of advertisements in the magazine are alcohol related, musical equipment, band merchandise and upcoming performances.

4: The articles and features of the magazine are review and interviews based, but often deviate to other subjects such as summaries of cults and religious extremist groups, and elaboration of activities that artists undertake. There are also sections for questions and answers, most of which are humour related.

5: There are 15 double page spreads throughout the magazine.

6: There are a few product reviews throughout the magazine, which could be misconstrued as advertisements, as they mention the product from a consumers view, and refer to it favourably.

7: The house style of the magazine is quite adult and mature, all the text is correctly punctuated and spelt, the language used is often profane and rude, and there are many references to adult culture within the text. The pictures and graphics usually don’t stray from a dark colour scheme, and often the pictures and graphics relate towards elements of satanic culture, a trend seen in bands supporting the genre style. There are also humourous elements to the text, often in the form of satire, but these are not necessarily identifiable by people who aren’t supporters of the music or magazine.

8: The house style appeals to the audience of mature or adult males who are fans of the metal genre and its sub-genres because of its dark and humourous content, it also appeals to them with how developed and descriptive the text is, and the way it speaks to them at an adult level, instead of a simple childish consumer.

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