Thursday 25 November 2010

Kerrang Magazine research: General

1: Kerrang is produced by Bauer Consumer Media.

2: The target audience of Kerrang are students and teenagers, with a slightly larger male audience than female, the text also speaks to and appeals to an audience of this age, as it isn’t grammatically correct and speaks at a level believed to be spoken by teenagers.

3: The magazine costs £2.20 (appealing to their target audience because of its low and affordable price)

4: Kerrang is published monthly

5: Kerrang’s circulation figure is 52,272 (this is after a recent considerable drop however.

6: Charts about Kerrang’s trends (in terms of sales and reception) and titles covered are available on the NRS website.

7: The magazine has a low price but a high frequency of advertisements inside, therefore their revenue must be more advertisement based than through actual sales and subscriptions, their monthly income must be substantial as they are a popular magazine with many adverts inside.

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