Monday 3 January 2011

Double page spread content- Draft

“A life in solitude unearths and amplifies emotions, and helps me to represent them through my work.”

After traveling for miles through Icelandic forests just to meet this one man, I could only describe my anticipation for meeting him as unbearable. Needless to say, I expected a man living in such solitude to have a certainly remarkable personality, or at least an interesting one.

He’s dressed from head to toe in black, his eyes vacant, almost as if they’re fixated on a point beyond my consciousness, his long hair stained with dirt from the forest wraps around his neck menacingly, and his mouth tightly shut. I look at him, trying to get his attention, but his eyes remain dormant and fixed. He gave off the impression of being vacant or uncaring towards my presence; I open my mouth to begin asking him my first question before his head snaps round to look at me and he beckons me to be keeping silent.

He remains motionless for what seems like minutes, before slowly raising his hands up towards the sky and quietly saying “Tranquility and awareness come from within the forest, separation from the conventional world allows connection with previously self concealed emotion, my work is more than the sound of a guitar, the beat of a drum and the scrape of a violin, it is an expression of my inner feelings and ideas.”

Lowering his arms, he smiles lightly and leans towards me, and quietly but with a jovial tone says “It’s cheap too.”

As he leans back, I feel comfortable enough to start asking him questions; he nods as if to tell me it's fine, so I begin.

“When did you first start writing music?”

“Well, that’s the same as asking me how long I have been expressing my emotions for, which I can say has been forever. As my first album "De-fo-rustration" exemplifies, my music has been primarily personal and unique depending on my moods. Music has been within me since birth, and as soon as I could put it into practice, I’ve lived through that idea.”

“Who or what is your musical inspiration?”

“As I said, my emotions are the sole inspiration for the music I write, but living alone within the depths of the forest helps to provoke denser emotions, a life in solitude unearths and amplifies emotions, and helps me to represent them through my work, so I’d suppose my environment is also an important aspect of my work.”

“What provoked you live out in the wilderness?”

“I feel like a part of nature out here, there are no rules, regulations or constraints. My undying love for nature comes from its simplicity and perfection, out in the forest, there are no doubts or societal chains, just personal peace and comfort, where i can be who i want to be without the constraints of others. I sometimes look at the trees and plants for hours, days even, just to watch them grow, insane as I may be, I have reached a state of personal awareness and tranquility that exceeds beyond that of all the men and women in the industrial world outside, hell. it also allows me to escape my fans since all the recent popularity.”

“Are you going to release a new album in the near future?”

“It is my full intention to once again unleash my emotions unto the world through musical format again; however, I am a lot different to before, my emotions have changed since my last album, so my work will be a lot more different and varied.”

"What other plans do you have for the future?"

"I intend to create a unique and interesting new style for the genre, different from anything
heard from others, and it shall reign supreme of all other genres and bands, leaving nothing but emotive and powerful music for the masses, my new albums will push the limits as to what one man can do, but i intend to prove that it's possible to produce amazing work with just one mans determination and skills."

"What led you up to this current living style?"

"Look around you! The beauty! The solitude! It's a sanctum for tortured souls. The outside world is but an echo in my mind, I've escaped stress, negative desires and all the troubles of a "normal" person, and I was a normal person, with a normal life until a few years ago, i decided the world was full of unnecessary elements, and that a life out here would destroy them. I was right. To write and appreciate music like mine, you must be able to understand how the way I live helps."

"Do you ever do any live performances?"

"I play live all the time- the forest as my audience, and the rustling leaves are my crowds. I occasionally venture out into civilization play for the people of the local village, and when i do, the whole place becomes a vesicle for my creativity, and a being of its own. Live performances by a schedule are horrible ideas, they force talent away from the performers, it's horrible to think of myself doing that."

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