Thursday 6 January 2011

Magazine front cover: Finished

This is the final design for my front cover, it uses many aspects which my researched magazines have, contains a variety of information, and is edited in a certain colour scheme and house style, which will be maintained throughout the magazine.

The three colours primarily used are Red, Black and various shades of blue, and these shall be maintained throughout the magazine accordingly. The colour is also in accordance with the picture used, and the two contrast well. The text has been made to stand out, and be perfectly clear with the picture using outer glows.

The magazine title has a large emphasised "I" followed by the "mmortality" in order for emphasis and more unique qualities, there are pictures relevant to the article mentioned, and containing the front covers "model" within them, substantiating their placement.

As with most magazines, there are a list of popular culture bands written on the front in order to attract a more mainstream and widespread musical audience, with varieties of likes.

There is a Lens flare in the eye of the person, and is used to emphasise the picture, add strange or unique qualities to it, and make the statement or accompanying text create an atmosphere like that of more "metal" style set up, as the picture itself connotes little towards genre appealing.


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