Friday 4 February 2011

Evaluation: Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My media product immediately resembles the magazine "Metal Hammer" as they both have similar layouts and house styles, and are both aimed at a target audience of mature males. Another trait which is common to both is the genre of music that they are representing, and targeting the fans of.

The first and most clear similarity between my front cover and the "Metal Hammer"is the choice of pictures, as they both share many specific qualities. Both pictures have a singular cover model, dominating the page, within a natural, snowy background and a dark colour scheme, with a clear house style. Both models are posing, and are dressed in clothing which would be appropriate for artists of the genre. The mise on scene of the "Metal Hammer" cover is much more effective and higher quality than mine, due to my lack of budget, but i could see that actual media products have sufficient funds to provide no creative barrier.

My Target audience is not of a childish age, and therefore my front cover is lacking in colloquialisms based on inpulsively catching someones eyes, my researched magazines also did this, but added a list of the bands within the magazine as the attractive impulse aspect of the cover, so as to attract so much attention from a variety of audiences.

This is a way of attracting a larger variety of audiences, and magazine, whether they are based on my genre or not- use it to full effectiveness, I have included one aswell. Real media products have shown that using a diverse colour scheme can be pro or counter productive, with my product, i made a lot of my typecast the same, but used colour variation to create a much more pleasing and easier to read end result. My house style is confirmed by the front page, and the colour scheme is dependant on the way the Front cover and contents page work together.

Simple editing tactics used
by the professionals I have adopted and incorporated into my final piece, for instance, the way that a person edited into a picture is used to block or go behind the main cover title, in order to look more or less natural.

The strapline to the main title is important in metal magazines, as it sets the scene or setting within the cover picture, Metal Hammer especially uses these to incorporate back stories of minor relevance into bands or artists, I have used it for the same effect.

The person i used for my magazine was important, I chose somebody who could dress and pose appropriately for the magazine front cover and spread, as he would be representing what the people of the genre desire in a band, i thought it appropriate to pick someone with the criterea of long hair, large build, and right for clothing prospects.

My Title font and style was chosen because of the way the text can be exploited, the fact that it can connote the concept of my genre effectively, and has more uses than in just the title, Metal Hammer and Kerrang use this method in order to show off their unique styles.

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