Friday 4 February 2011

Evaluation: Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task (the school magazine task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

My initial approach to creating a music magazine was lacking in specific qualities which i have developed when creating the final product; simple design, colour scheme, typecast and presentation abillities have been developed as the project progressed, and a much larger understanding on the aspects of a successful music magazine have been observed and taken into account.

The pictures used for the preliminary task were at a sub-standard quality, with little thought, editing and preperation taken into consideration; from my research I decided that for my final product I need to have a more unique and exploitable picture and background, which can be altered in order to help my product development and message.

I have learnt that there are specific qualities to each magazine which make it appealing and popular to the audience, such as a house style, and colour schemes, and have incorporated them into my final product, which will help it seem more geniune and professional, specifically my use of the colours Red, Black and Blue.

From my initial preliminary task, i have learned that it is important to appeal to the audience and adress them through the use of a cover model looking at the camera, as if to the audience, and poses should be natural yet more unique within throughout the magazine.

I found that it is a better idea to take pictures within a well lit room and to edit it into another specified background, as the lighting and poses can be worked on more easily, and the pictures contrast and specific shading can be altered in order to seem more natural with the background, I took my cover model's pictures indoors next to a white plain wall, and my backgrounds while outside in a local forest, and edited them accordingly in order to acheive the best results.

Drafting and creating a concept for my magazine greatly improved my management of time and rate of creation, it also allowed me to try out several different ideas before coming to a conclusive product design, which minimised the need to redraft and recreate my cover, contents and double page spread, and helped prevent problems during creation.

Time management was crucial for this task, my preliminary task was spent more on making an attractive front cover than producing a contents page, and thus didn't contain similar amounts of quality to one another, i decided to spend an equal amount of time on each part of my music magazine, and assure that they were all of similar quality, this also allowed me to make sure that the house style and colour scheme remained similar and in a pattern during its production.

This is an example, the top picture shows a badly pasted image, looking unnatural and peculiar with no interaction with the surrounding elements, it looks badly shaded and unaesthetically pleasing, whereas the bottom image shows a better edited, and more interactive model which works well with surrounding elements in order to provide a more natural and professional look, needed for my final product, but excusable in the context of my initial school magazine.

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