Friday 4 February 2011

Evaluation: Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Market research from other magazines shows that logically and commercially, my magazine should appeal to a mature male audience, as my chosen magazine's genre is that which draws an ageing male audience. The audience I am attempting to appeal too is of an age where large amounts of pictures and childish pictures and text are not in preference, and the written language is of a higher quality than that of other magazines, as well as any linguistic devices, such as jokes and wit. The potential readers of my magazine would be more interested in more mature content than in magazines of a similar genre representation, which i attempt to write in consideration of.

The musical preference of those reading my magazine would be that of Metal and its sub-genres, the television preference of the readers would probably be anything "original" or outside of modern popular culture, much like their musical preference. Their shopping patterns would probably revolve around food, backwater metal outlets and merchandise shops in the London area.

The most likely products which my target audience will be in preference of will be band and artist merchandise, and will probably by these from rare metal outlets or the internet.

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