Friday 4 February 2011

Evaluation: Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt the usefulness and productivity of using different technological equipment and programs throughout this project, i have learnt how to maximise the usefulness of a camera using equipment such as tripods, and learnt how to increase picture quality and usefulness using specific lighting and backgrounds, and exploiting them within Adobe Photoshop CS3.

Throughout the creation of this product, i have come to appreciate how technologies are used within the media in order to create products of a similar design, and how crucial they are in the editing and creating process of magazine development. Adobe programs being the most helpful of all used, as they helped me to create, design, organise, edit, process, and test my product efficiently and effectively.

My creativity was allowed to be used to its best of abillity, and creative boundaries which could not be acheived by many softwares were put into practice and created through Adobe Photoshop, which had a wide range of useful and experimental editing tools which aided in adding to my imagination and attitude towards designing and producing the magazine.

Blogger helped in the publishing of my product, as it was simple, had good user interface and allowed pictures and text to be created simple and efficiently, with a wide range of tools to personalise and produce it in a more attractive and simplistic way.

Photoshop CS3: Editing software for all my pictures, created the front page, contents page, and double page spread.

Blogger: Efficient way of publishing my work and presenting it effectively for people to see and mark.

MS paint: useful for copying screenshots needed to explain and provide more detailed information on aspects of my work.

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