Friday 4 February 2011

Evaluation: Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine represents certain social groups by the people posing within it, and the references to the culture of the people who I am aiming my magazine at, the most important of these is the cover model for the magazine.

The two images presented share a great deal of aesthetic features. Posture is the primary element resembled in both; the two models both stand with their shoulders cast backwards, which is a trait common in the metal community, as it creates an air of both power and confidence. This pose is especially characteristic of metal vocalists, as it can be used to create harsh vocals which are often a significant musical element.

The arms of both models are folded around the diaphragm, further appealing to the power/confidence traits. Also, the chins of either model are raised, casting a shadow onto the eyes (a significant aesthetic feature in metal photography), and the hair is allowed to partially conceal a substantial amount of the face. The effect of this is to create a sense of mystery and of darkness. The chin of the model featured in my work is raised more so than the other, attempting to exaggerate the pose, reflecting harsher, more ‘metal’, musical style. The expression of either model is blank, bordering on disdain or passive aggressive. Both model sports a T-Shirt of another metal band, characterised by intricate logos and vulgar imagery; displaying support for other bands whilst broadcasting their own taste to the audience.

The angle of the shots is both head on, reflective of the direct nature and bluntness of the metal community. Any attempt to appear more artistic than is strictly necessary is likely to alienate the target audience. Lighting in both is low, distorting the black-dressed model with the background to create an eerie atmosphere. The location of my image is outdoors, whilst the other is inside, so I attempted to lower the brightness of my image to compensate. The magnification of my shot removes any features that make it distinctly outdoors, whilst the other image remains relatively untainted in this regard.

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