Friday 4 February 2011

Evaluation: Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

I spoke to my audience by appealing to their culture, and their level of mentality, as other magazines of the same genre and style have stated and proven is effective- creating a more mature and less obnoxious concept for the magazine, yet maintaining entertaining language, structure and jokes.

The magazine contents and front cover have many references to popular metal culture, and do not refer to them in a particularly childish or immature way, merely present them with as much information as possible. The line "Metalheads" is used frequently, and other terminology which can be read and acknowledged by the crowd are also used in order to successfully establish who my magazine is adressed too.

The metal fanbase are not just adressed in the text, but also the mise en scene of the picture used, and the models specific looks help to connote the concept of a metal based magazine, the long war trenchcoat, hair as well as the band t-shirt all provide links towards standard metal genre stereotypes, and can therefore be taken in by the intended audience in a much more positive light.

All the bands listed on the front cover are popular examples of bands in the selected genre of music that the magazine is trying to appeal too, and would help in its appeal towards a wide range of musically diverse readers.

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